
That's funny

I really like stand up comedy. It's a guaranteed mood-improvement technique for me. I absolutely love and admire these people who can just walk up (with or without preparation) and have you cracking up. In my opinion, it's one of the greatest skills one can have!!
So, I decided I'd make a list of my favorite comedians (Well, the famous ones anyway. There are tons of people I see on shows whose name I never catch or forget... but who keep it funny - and make it all worthwhile.).. and for the sake of brevity - I forced myself to keep the list down to ten. One thing you will notice is that the list is mostly comedians who are relatively new. I just haven't heard too many of the really old guys.

1. Robin Williams: Probably the best improvizer. Period.
2. Billy Crystal: Classic whiny New Yorker. Did it much better than Woody Allen in my opinion.
3. Jerry Seinfeld: The show did it for me. A show about nothing. A routine about nothing. Yet, very funny.
4. Richard Pryor: The original funny brotha.
5. George Carlin: Funniest while observing things about everyday life.
6. Jay Leno: Hardworking funny.
7. Rodney Dangerfield: All I can say is "I get no respect.."
8. Dave Attell: The insomniac has some crazy stuff up his sleeve.
9. Woody Allen: I appreciate his humor SO much more since I have been in NY.
10. Chris Rock: His high pitched "big ass..." jokes.

Honorable mentions: Denis Leary, Janine Garofalo, Tina Fey, Drew Carey


Anonymous Anonymous said...

would add
dave chappell, bill maher, Larry David to the list. Jerry Sienfield would be No. 1 :)
Jay leno, i dont find him that funny, his comedy is more about pointing out stupid. Copared to that Conan is MUCH better..

9:09 PM  
Blogger Harish said...

Vivin: No, I didn't watch the SNL show. But I've seen some of the old ones.. they ARE way better. BTW, Belushi and Akroyd are hilarious. Never seen them do stand-up though.

Anon: I agree. Very funny men. The reason Jay Leno was on my list and not Conan... is because I focussed on funny men based on stand-up only.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Vijay Krishna L said...

Larry David is the man!
Bill Maher comes up with some very good stuff too..
Richard Jeni's (now on HBO) stand-up routine was very funny too.

1:23 PM  

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