
A love song for Bobby Long

Southern. Sweet. Set in New Orleans, the story of an alienated daughter of a local singer reuniting with (what is revealed at the end) her father [no real surprise]. Hates him, gets to know him, annoyed with him, then likes him. John Travolta plays the deadbeat but likeable ex-english prof, now turned bum. Gabriel Macht seesaws between hopeful and insignificant. Scarlett Johansson gives a good performance as the daughter... spunky, vulnerable and stunningly beautiful (even as a hick). While the characters all play their part well, the story dawdles and is drowned in its saccharine self-indulgence. Some things particularly the southern tongue (which I heard a lot of in Texas), some good music and the beautiful Scarlett Johansson kept my interest. IMO, it falls just short of being a good movie.

Rating: 3.5/5


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