
Dumb is as Dumb says

A man from Tucson Arizona was visiting Windy Point, a cliff overlook on Mt Lemmon. Because so many tourists flock to the site, a steel safety fence had been installed to prevent hapless folk from slipping off the cliff. The weather was terrible, and nobody was there except the man. Believing himself to be alone, he decided to urinate through the bars of the fence over the cliff face below.

As he urinated, lightning from a powerful desert thunderstorm struck the fence, which made a perfect lightning rod due to its size and location. The charge traveled through the fence to the ground, but also up the mans urine stream causing his penis to explode...

THE FACTS: Windy Point does in fact exist. There is indeed a large metal wrought-iron fence in place at the edge of the cliff. Thunderstorms are common in late summer, and lightning strikes are very common throughout the area at that time. That fence would be a prime target.

from: http://www.darwinawards.com/personal/index_personal1998.html submitted by Joseph Astier


Blogger the k factor said...


6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the mythbusters episode in which they investigated the possibility of getting electrocuted via a urine stream... I won't give away the ending.

8:39 PM  

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