

For a great sandbox - where you can try out investigative or report journalism... and not have to pay or stick to a schedule - is WikiNews. It is a community effort to present the news. Anything at all... no censorship. Of course, since they do expect it to be the news and not opinion, they ask for a neutral viewpoint. This is what differentiates it from blogs.

The downside to some(a positive thing for others) is the anonymity. No article is credited to you. So, you get no publicity or increased traffic to your blog because of this. Also, articles are deleted periodically so there are no archives (as far as I know). However, it is a great place to try out various writing styles, hone your skills and develop this writing ability.

For all budding newspaper journalists, it's fantastic. And people actually read it. So, it is helping the community. Also, it's a good way to get the word out on anything that you think is important but isn't getting any coverage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout to Wikinews -- as a note, all stories are archived on Wikinews. This is actually part of the mission -- to create a free online archive of news stories.

2:31 AM  

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